Advocates for Healthy Transitional Living, LLC was established in 2011 by CEO, Dan Holstead, LCSW, as an agency providing comprehensive, collaborative teams to support youth and families in their homes and communities. With more than 40 years’ staff experience working with youth and families in foster care, residential, and community mental health settings, AHTL continues to promote Dan's philosophy and the values of trauma informed care. 

AHTL provides comprehensive, collaborative teams that support youth and families in their homes and communities by working closely with the systems that serve them – counties, schools, and other providers. Advocates builds a community of formal and informal supports around at-hope individuals. Meeting clients where they are and help them be their best self.

“I am a 100% believer in teams. Teams support each other, challenge each other, and understand the giftedness of the separate entities.” - Dan Holstead


Advocates also invests in employees, or Child Advocates, through training, performance feedback and supervision, committment to self-care and the SHARED Values. One employee had this to say...

"I must add...by personally letting [you] know how much this job, along with the knowledge I have gained in training has blessed me not only by being given the opportunity to help benefit others in such a life changing way.  It has also opened my eyes to a much better understanding of my own life entirely in a such a beneficial way I didn't see coming.  Thank [you] for helping give me this opportunity. ❤️ " - Child Advocate

The SHARED Values

These values guide our actions: Safety, Hope, Awareness, Respect, Empowerment, and Disruptive. Here's how we define them:

Safety – Providing a safe place and space for individuals to be who they are and to continue to develop who they want to be

Hope – Believing that you are important, you are loved, and you and your community have a shared interest in building your resilience and success.

Awareness – Remembering that everyone has a story that shapes their life

Respect – Unconditional, positive regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, and journey of others.

Empowerment – The process of accepting the opportunity to grow and learn, becoming stronger and more confident; eventually claiming one’s rights and taking control of one’s life, situation and future and then sharing the opportunity with others as it presents itself.

Disruptive – Healing humans through innovative and groundbreaking work done in ways that are different than ever done before.

SHARED logo update

The Mission

Disrupting Social Work by saying 'yes' to doing what works

for each child, each family and each community.


Advocates In the News

 Green Bay Press Gazette, April 2018

SCORE helps business owner mesh skills with management acumen


Despite having a very successful business, it was no surprise when Daniel Holstead, CEO of Advocates for Healthy Transitional Living, LLC, contacted Green Bay SCORE for advice to improve reporting processes. 

“He contacted SCORE for assistance in improving management reporting so he could improve his skill in managing the company,” his mentor, Gary Lewins, explained. 

Lewins was impressed not only with the company Holstead has created, but also with his desire to keep learning and growing as a manager.  Holstead says it is something he realized when he started the business in 2011. He was at a crossroads in his career; having spent most of it in family services and family care and had ideas to offer more effective care. 

“Even though I knew social work very well, I didn’t know business very well,” he said. “I don’t think that what anyone realizes is that whenever you start a small business, you are instantly thrown into a model. I can be the best social worker in the world, but if I'm not a good business person, I won't be able to do good social work."

That recognition started a journey to learn as much as he could about business and to seek assistance whenever there were questions. He met with various professionals including an accountant, attorney, banker and other business owners.

“If I had to lecture someone, I would say to always be humble and reach out," Holstead said. "Whatever level of business you’re in, don’t try to wing it. Get the help you need."

In addition to being willing to get help, he also listened to communities and sought to determine the best methods of reaching youth with extreme needs.

“These may be children who are removed from home or remain in a community setting.  How do we develop systems and programs in a way that will address those most extreme needs?” he asked. “When you have youth struggling, you also have parents who are struggling so the issue isn’t just the child, it is the impact on the entire system.”

Although Holstead’s original plan was to experiment with different models and interventions for foster care, the focus broadened as great needs surfaced. Advocates for Healthy Transitional Living now has four locations in Northeastern Wisconsin that serve more than 17 counties.

Utilizing a team approach, Advocates works with schools, families, and providers to help children in and out of their homes. The list of services includes case management, foster homes, in-home therapy, education to help with independent transition, skill development, medication management, and assistance in many other areas. Currently, there is a staff of about 75 who serve in a variety of capacities; all mirror the same desire that Holstead embodies.

“I started with my own vision and passion for youth, and I share that vision with my team so that it never gets lost. I can’t be everywhere all the time so as the organization has grown, I’ve hired people with that same passion,” he noted.

There are monthly meetings to review processes and talk about possible improvements. 

Holstead added, “I am a 100% believer in teams. Team support each other, challenge each other, and understand the giftedness of the separate entities.”

They also understand that the business can’t get comfortable in becoming stagnant.  Needs are always changing, and the number of youth at risk is the only constant. There are other businesses working with youth, but Holstead says the most important thing to him is not the competitiveness, it is the creativeness. 

“My goal is to be the best,” he said. “Even if I am getting feedback that what I’m doing isn’t working, if I can take that and craft it into something that works, then I will be effective. Success means to pay attention, always listen, be humble, and be willing to adapt and change.”   

Tina Dettman-Bielefeldt is co-owner of DB Commercial Real Estate in Green Bay and Past District Director for SCORE, Wisconsin.


DePere Program

300 South 6th Street
DePere, WI 54115

(920) 764-2485
fax (920) 815-3295

Shawano Program

112 East Maurer Street
Shawano, WI 54166

(920) 764-2485
fax (920) 815-3295